
The Wife of Noble Character

I am absolutely amazed at the strength of the wife listed in Proverbs 31. She definitely sets the bar high. There are days when I wonder if I can ever aspire to her abilities. Just listen to a few of her daily duties: She makes coverings for her bed, provides for the poor and needy, her family is always clothed in scarlet, she buys a field out of her earnings and plants a vineyard, she always works with eager hands, brings her food from afar, she awakes while it is still dark, she always has food for her family and even enough for her servant girls, she makes garments and sells them, and she gives faithful instruction with strength and dignity. To top it all off, after all of this hard work during the day, her lamp stays on at night! When does she rest? Where does she find the time to be so productive? In my mind I have always pictured her like the lady in this picture. In fact, the Bible does say, "her arms are strong for her tasks" Prov. 31:17. Sigh. My arms must seem like flubber compared to this wonder woman. A few dishes in the sink here, laundry in the floor there, soap scum, dust, and vacuuming galore. Does your to-do list ever seem overwhelming? Sometimes I strive so hard to get everything done that I lose sight of the bigger picture. "I have to iron these shirts, wash these dishes, make lunch for tomorrow, remember to make the bed." When I try to accomplish everything in one evening and something doesn't get checked off of the list I feel so discouraged. But then it hit me tonight. I DON'T HAVE to be super woman. The Lord himself sees every pan I clean, every shirt I fold, each tub I scrub, and every meal I prepare. None of these things will make him love me any more or any less. Our Lord knows our struggles and our weaknesses. He says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28. Sometimes I need to stop for a second and just re-prioritize myself. The Lord doesn't need my house to be spotless with the Good Housekeeping seal on the front door. I do believe that hard work and a clean house is pleasing in the sight of the Lord, but I might just have to realize that I am not Martha Stewart. Perhaps one day I will figure out how the 'Wife of Noble Character' found time to do it all, but until then I will hold to this thought..."For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have larned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil. 4:11-13. Are you feeling tired and heavy laden? Turn to the Lord who gives rest and He will give you strength. You'll be finding extra energy for that last load of laundry or dirty dish pile from last night's supper.


More Valentine's Day....

This was mine and Daniel's first Valentine's day together as a married couple. Daniel noted that he couldn't top last year (when he asked me to marry him) but I must say, this one was just wonderful. We started the day by sleeping in (I love weekends). Then we had breakfast and headed downtown for some window shopping at Market Square. Daniel took me to lunch at Trio's, which was amazing! After lunch, we headed to the movies to see Paul Blart Mall Cop. It was a good movie, but I'd wait to rent it :) We then came home and made dinner together. Daniel fixed our steaks and I made our vegetables and chocolate fondue. It was a great dinner - we even used our fine china for the first time!
For the longest time I have always awaited the day when I could buy a Valentine's card that said Husband on it. I new that this was my year to do so, but I couldn't find a card that was cute enough. So I just decided to make my own. (Note the huge glittery 'husband' letter above). Daniel and I both got each other books. He got me the Beth Moore study on Jesus and I got him the new Tony Dungy book. I can't wait to start my new study. I have been eyeing these books for some time now...Daniel knows exactly what I like. It was a great day and now I am sad that the weekend is over.

Happy Love Day

For this Valentine's day I wanted to let my family know that I was thinking about them. I put together these sweet little packages containing: a jar of homemade strawberry jam, and a box of fabric fortune cookies made from my valentine heart fabric. The fortunes read: "Love one another deeply from the heart." 1 Peter 1:22 and "Warm hugs and sweet kisses...Love you." Daniel and I loaded up the ol' Eclipse on Friday night (or as Lynne would call it, the Spyder) and delivered these heart felt gifts to our loved ones. It was wonderful to get to visit with those that we love (even if for only a minute) and just let them know how special they are to us. I am so thankful for how the Lord has blessed Daniel and I with two wonderful families. We love you all!


Tastebuds a Salivatin'

On our honeymoon, Daniel took me to the Cheesecake Factory (my very favorite)! Our food was oh so delicious and the cheesecake just topped it off! Since it was Christmas, I was able to get the holiday special. It was chocolate peppermint swirl. Next weekend, Daniel and I are going to visit his youngest sister, Anne, in Louisville. This definitely means a visit to The Cheesecake Factory! I have no idea what I am going to get yet, but I can guarantee you that you will read about it on my blog next week. MMMMMMM.....Cheesecake!

Ghetto Header

So, as many of you know, I am pretty new to this blogging business. But let me just tell you, I have the most ghetto header of anyone that I know who blogs! I look at all of my friends, family, and random people's blogs that I adore, and they all have incredible Title Headers at the top of their blogs! I desperately want a cute header but I don't want to pay for it. Can anyone tell me how to get a cute header without having to pay? Or do I need to just gather up the gusto to pay. On a side note, I love my husband. He spent hours one night trying to find a free header that I would like. He finally found this one for me and spent another hour getting it just centered on this page. You know you are loved by a man when he will do things for you that only someone in love with you would do. Sweet, sweet love.


Homemade Sweetness

This week I taught myself how to make homemade jam. I made enough to fill quite a few jars. These sweet treats will be making their way into happy homes just in time for Valentine's day. I hope that each taste brings warm smiles and happy hearts.


Super Bowl Sunday

For the Super Bowl Joellen and Matt, my sister and brother-in-law, came over to have a panini party and watch the game. Daniel and I scored some 3-D glasses for the new Pixar movie commercial. As you can see from the picture, everyone looks super cool in 3-D glasses, and we had a blast being together.

Sunny Side Up

This past Saturday was a beautiful sunny morning. I decided to surprise my sweet hubby with a full breakfast. The rise and shine menu consisted of eggs (with cheese), turkey bacon, blueberry muffins (Daniel's favorite), orange juice, and milk in a happy cow pitcher. I soon learned that Daniel woke up feeling sick. At least he still took the time to enjoy a little pick me up. He always has a little energy for blueberry muffins! I absolutely LOVE Saturday mornings. There is nothing quite so good as waking up at a late hour (by this I mean before 9 am but sleeping past 6:30 - I feel so old) and lounging in your warm pj's until a shower calls your name. I also like the fact that my 22 year old husband still loves watching Saturday morning cartoons. On this Monday eve I am counting down the days until Saturday comes into our lives again.