
The Empty Space

Can you guess what this is???

We had an empty space. A skinny tall wall right above our toilet. I've been wanting something to occupy the space but could never decide what would be fitting. I mean, what do you hang over your toilet? After all, it can be "looked at" quite a bit. This is what was hanging over my toilet growing up (this is a weird post and I apologize-it all comes together in the end, I promise):

The pink bonnet girl.

So, I finally figured out what to do. I decided to make an affordable and easy wreath to hang in the empty space. You can never go wrong with a wreath. I took an old book that I had to read for a Sociology class in college titled "Nickel and Dimed". I apologize to the author of this book but it was not worthy of a Pulitzer Prize - actually, not even close. I tore the book apart page by page and started gluing. I ended up with this-I think it turned out rather cute:

Now the empty space if filled, and a book covered in dust is now lovely.


Just Because

This weekend the family came into Athens for my cousin's wedding. After the wedding we all met back at Mom and Dad's house just to have another hour together. We were spending some time trying to keep Crockett entertained with his "Big Trucks" book. With every page turn we would sing a song about the Big Truck together. As you probably know, once you start something with a little kiddo they want you to continue to do it at least 100 more times. The repertoire-Bulldozer, Mail Truck, and Backhoe. Enjoy!

It's Daniel's birthday week. We are celebrating everyday-tonight we had Totino's and Mayfield French Onion Dip with Kettle Cooked Chips-this is a nostalgic favorite in the Galloway household-Yum! Have a great week! ~Beth


Fourth of July Weekend

I'm sorry it has taken awhile for me to get this post out to you. Daniel and I have both had a stomach virus this week and it's just been awful! But, we are back to normal for the most part and that's why I'm getting this post out now. I know I have blogged about the Farragut parade before, but for those of you who are new readers I will give you a little background info. The Farragut parade is a tradition for us. It always has patriotic dandies like donkeys, dressed up dogs, people who have no reason to be in the parade and just want to walk a little, clowns, and cute little old people! So, basically it's never anything flashy or amazing, it's just good ol' hometown fun and you never know what you are going to see. Here is Benni getting ready for her first parade:

The boy scouts and the Farragut Pep Band- When the piccolos started playing Benni tinkled all over my shirt-I guess she prefers brass

Here is Holly (the Galloway's dog) freaking out when the motorcycle cops came through:

This was Daniel's favorite part of the parade- a cute little puppet on top of a car (this year's parade was lacking a little bit)
Here is Breck (my brother-in-law) representin' Fleenor Security System-He gave us the good candy:

It wouldn't be the Farragut Parade without donkeys!

Here is the Ellis family (Josh, Michelle, Carson and Chloe-Josh works at State Farm-they gave out footballs and snow cones!)

A dog pulling some other dogs in a wagon-makes since right?

And last but not least, nothing says happy fourth of July like a creepy haunted corn maze:

I hope everyone had a safe and happy fourth! It was busy for us, but one of our favorite weekends nonetheless. Get excited, I will be posting our Twilight Party pictures soon. Have a happy Sunday.


Friday night the Tennessee Trombone Project played downtown at Market Square. These boys are incredibly talented and they also go to our church and are in our orchestra. We went with the fam. to show our support and to hear an amazing free concert! The 'TTP' boys are Joe Christian, Brian Jennings (our cousin from Canada), Jon Walton, and....um....Mike....I have no idea what his last name is, so just Mike. Here are some pictures:

Dad Galloway, Matt, and Benni (who stole the show on the cuteness factor downtown):

Some really creepy creature that was walking around. I tried really hard not to look at him so he wouldn't get anywhere near me:

He was seriously chasing people around(poor unsuspecting lady-she has no idea what's coming)

Here are some videos:

"Rocky Top" (see if you can spot Megan Christian's cameos-there are 2, and the creepy monster walking by at the end)

This next one is my favorite video for SEVERAL reasons-
#1-It's a great song that reminds me of John Daker-if you haven't seen this video you HAVE to check it out here
#2- Two little old people in wheelchairs get rolled by at the beginning with the perfect backdrop song and the little old lady is dancing in her chair-watch her fingers-so cute!
#3-Speaking of wheels, towards the end of the video a little boy strolls by on his trike and just stares at the boys in amazement-I don't know how they didn't laugh!

After the concert, we ate dinner outside and wrapped the night up with some Gelati from Rita's.
It truly was a great night. The weather was just perfect, the company was great, and the tunes were the best! Thanks boys for sharing your talents with Knoxville! Stay tuned for Fourth of July Pictures!


God Bless America!

Every Fourth of July Daniel has made an effort to find and wear the tackiest, ugliest, most horrible patriotic t-shirt for the Farragut 4th of July parade. I really don't know when or why this became a tradition, but it truly has become a 'must see' for the holiday. I absolutely can't wait for you to see this year's little patriotic treat. Have a happy 4th!