
The Wife of Noble Character

I am absolutely amazed at the strength of the wife listed in Proverbs 31. She definitely sets the bar high. There are days when I wonder if I can ever aspire to her abilities. Just listen to a few of her daily duties: She makes coverings for her bed, provides for the poor and needy, her family is always clothed in scarlet, she buys a field out of her earnings and plants a vineyard, she always works with eager hands, brings her food from afar, she awakes while it is still dark, she always has food for her family and even enough for her servant girls, she makes garments and sells them, and she gives faithful instruction with strength and dignity. To top it all off, after all of this hard work during the day, her lamp stays on at night! When does she rest? Where does she find the time to be so productive? In my mind I have always pictured her like the lady in this picture. In fact, the Bible does say, "her arms are strong for her tasks" Prov. 31:17. Sigh. My arms must seem like flubber compared to this wonder woman. A few dishes in the sink here, laundry in the floor there, soap scum, dust, and vacuuming galore. Does your to-do list ever seem overwhelming? Sometimes I strive so hard to get everything done that I lose sight of the bigger picture. "I have to iron these shirts, wash these dishes, make lunch for tomorrow, remember to make the bed." When I try to accomplish everything in one evening and something doesn't get checked off of the list I feel so discouraged. But then it hit me tonight. I DON'T HAVE to be super woman. The Lord himself sees every pan I clean, every shirt I fold, each tub I scrub, and every meal I prepare. None of these things will make him love me any more or any less. Our Lord knows our struggles and our weaknesses. He says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28. Sometimes I need to stop for a second and just re-prioritize myself. The Lord doesn't need my house to be spotless with the Good Housekeeping seal on the front door. I do believe that hard work and a clean house is pleasing in the sight of the Lord, but I might just have to realize that I am not Martha Stewart. Perhaps one day I will figure out how the 'Wife of Noble Character' found time to do it all, but until then I will hold to this thought..."For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have larned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil. 4:11-13. Are you feeling tired and heavy laden? Turn to the Lord who gives rest and He will give you strength. You'll be finding extra energy for that last load of laundry or dirty dish pile from last night's supper.


  1. Where did you get your inspiration for this entry I wonder? At least I've got the getting up in the dark thing going for me!

  2. Sweet Beth, I'm so glad to see a savy young woman in our culture who's concerned with her home. I'm sure the Proverbs 31 woman is merely a standard for us, keeping us headed toward excellence, but the Bible also teaches us about priorities, which always involve people and relationships over things and activities. It is the challenge of every serious female follower of Christ to keep time with Him first, our families second, and others and other things following. Mary was commended for having chosen "the best". You just do the best you can each day, and you can be sure that God will be pleased and will bless you for seeking to do things His way. I'm proud of you! (Aunt B)
