Before I explain what Project Greenway is, let me give you some background. I was a runner. In college. I LOVED to run. I ran all of the time. I ran when I was sad, stressed, happy, mad, or just plain bored. It was my "go to" activity. I was also in the best shape of my life while running. One day I realized that as a young college girl it probably wasn't the best idea to run by myself. So I asked some guys in our church college group to go running with me a few days a week for safety. Their names were Michael Foster and DANIEL GALLOWAY!!!! Yes, Daniel and I really met at church, but really FELL for each other RUNNING. We ran all of the time, it was our "thing". I think some days we would meet to run but would just end up talking instead, but oh was well worth it. I remember one day following a long run I called my Mom and told her I had met the boy I was going to marry. Mom said, "Oh really, should I go ahead and send out the invitations?" and I said, "Yes"! (Little did she know....) We got married, graduated, and got real jobs and somehow running fell by the wayside. Life is so busy! Long story short.....we have gained a few pounds. I have been trying to figure out some type of work out that will fit into our busy schedules but nothing has been exciting.....or motivating. And then it hit me....Project Greenway. The mission: Run all of Knoxville's Greenway's together and blog our way through it. This has several purposes: a) It's a great activity for us to do together...I LOVE spending time with my sweet husband. b) A great way to get back into shape. c) We get to see a lot of Knoxville that we haven't seen before. d) We get to run again. e) It will be fun for my readers to follow. f) My bloggers will keep me motivated (Assuming someone out there is actually reading my blog.)
Here is the list of Knoxville's Greenways:
Exception to the rule: I will not run anything that I deem unsafe or shady.
As of tonight we can mark 1 off of the list. Tonight we hit Turkey Creek Greenway.
Fixing to Start. Mile 0.0
This was a beautiful Trail. We saw 3 bunnies!
Mile .75 with Turkey Creek in the background
This little guy was hiding in a bird house. Poor unsuspecting bird. Daniel almost walked right into him!
We Finished 2 miles!!!!
I have to admit, even though it was just 2 miles, it was terribly hard! It's amazing to me how fast you can get out of shape and lose everything you had worked so hard for. Here's to hoping that the next run will be easier. Have a happy Friday!
Hey friends! I think this is a great plan; best wishes. Random note: sorry Daniel, but it kinda looks like you're about to puke in the next to last picture. That's ok, I would probably have passed out once I saw the snake. Haha.